jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

female rights


About female rights many people think that women still not have the same rights than men.
In the past, when my grandparents were children, most women only lived to have a husband and to be a good wife, giving him children, doing the housework, waiting him everynight, and all those things.
Nowadays, the things have changed a lot. All women can study if they want and they can get a job in the same conditions than a men( there are some exceptions, but most cases are like that).
I think that at least women have the same social power than men. I mean that society pays attention if they protest in some way.
The only thing that I believe  is changeable is that the economic and the political power is mostly dominated by men. I think that is difficult to change, but it is changing gradually, for example, the president of Germany is a woman.
I think that in some years we will have both men and women the same rights and the same power because there are many people trying to reach that.

1 comentario:

    -the same as men
    -waiting for him
    -every night
    -things (without the)
    -men (not a men)


    Grade: 8
